The ARIA Experience

an interactive museum experience using the power of AR and AI.
UW HCDE 536:
Interaction Design and Video Prototyping Course
Time: 5 weeks
(May 2023 to June 2023)

Tools: Figma, Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro
My Role
UX Designer:
Ideation, Prototyping, Visual Design and Video Prototyping
Content Designer:
Ashwin Jagdish



Museums are great spaces for free choice learning where the information provided is thoughtfully chosen and well-organized.

Our team worked on enhancing the museum experience by introducing an alternate form of absorbing the content. The end result is a high fidelity mockup and a video prototype. 



Museum labels (i.e. information about the artifacts) are mostly presented in a text format and therefore don’t cater to visitors who prefer other forms of learning such as audio or visual. 


Although guided tours are a good solution for a more engaged experience, they may not align with the visitor's schedule.

This project aims to reduce the cognitive burden, provide additional information and offer a higher degree of engagement for visitors.


A voice-activated AI personal tour guide with AR functionality for a multi-modal experience.
Watch the Video Prototype


discovery and Research

Given our tight five-week timeline for this project, we decided to build our concept around assumptions. I visited three museums – Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, Seattle Art Museum and The Museum of Pop Culture to gather inspiration and insights that would help us formulate our assumptions. 

I also conducted a literature review of Dr. John H. Falk's work, "Understanding Museum Visitors’ Motivations and Learning" to further deepen my understanding of visitor behavior and preferences in museum settings.



There is limited information on exhibits in all three museums.


The Burke Museum has a high level of interactivity for exhibits that engage multiple senses.


Seattle Art Museum (SAM) has verbal descriptions for selected exhibits in order to make the information accessible to visitors with low vision or vision impairments.



Visitors have unanswered questions about the artifacts.


Visitors passively observe the exhibits without retaining much of the information.


Visitors do not having enough time to explore all the exhibits in the museum. 


Visitors need help navigating through the museum. 


We created this persona based on our research and assumptions.


Based on our persona's goals and frustrations we chose to focus on developing an immersive experience with a time management element as it addresses the need for efficient yet engaging museum visits.

We focused on the 5  highlighted ideas


To create a video prototype, we formulated a scenario that will effectively illustrate the user's journey and highlight key interactions.

Final solution

Here are some of the features provided by our solution:

1. Personalized tours led by an AI-based guide.
2. Voice-activated AI capable of answering exhibit-related queries.
3. Era-specific avatars visible through Augmented Reality (AR).
4. Option to save conversations with the AI.
5. Download and share video reels created by the AI to commemorate your visit.

HIgh Fidelity Mockups


Users can search for an exhibit or an artifact through a voice interface to acquire additional information..


Users can choose their interests, and these selections will be integrated into the navigation path.


Users can view their custom path and have the flexibility to adjust the order to align with their preferences.


Users can visualize the floor layout and gain an understanding of the exhibits they've covered.



Prioritize essential features over cramming too many functionalities into a product.


Given additional time, conduct comprehensive user research through interviews, surveys, and on-site observations, as well as usability testing to validate assumptions.