Pixel Den

An iPhone native app and widget to facilitate communication within the family.
UW HCDE 538:
Design for Behavior Change
Time: 4 weeks
(Nov 2023 to Dec 2023)
Tools: Figma
My Role
UX Designer:
Ideation, Prototyping, Visual Design and Interaction Design
Researcher: Kan Bassi
Designers: Jessica Hord and Zuoya Jia

project details

Mock Client

: Apple
: Communicating more with loved ones
: Open


Lea wants to stay connected with her family but it has been challenging since they moved to the US.


Lea gets home from work excited to watch soccer and have dinner with her wife. The US women’s soccer team is playing against Colombia, her home country. Lea starts a recording of the game to watch with her wife Jo later. The match is in Bogota, close to Lea’s hometown, which makes them somewhat nostalgic. While watching the match, Lea and Jo discuss possibly visiting Colombia at the end of the year. The match was a tie, and Lea and Jo will soon go to sleep.

establishing goals

Given the open-ended nature of the deliverable, our first course of action was to establish clear goals. Two goals emerged: proximal goals, achievable in a relatively short time, focusing on bringing Lea and her family onto the same platform; and distal goals, representing the broader challenge of facilitating communication between Lea and their family.

identifying barriers and selecting a mechanism

We then shifted our attention to the barrier. Lea was reluctant to communicate with their family as they consistently intruded into Lea's personal life. To address this, we decided to use the 'Behavioral Beliefs' mechanism derived from the Theory of Planned Behavior.
(Curious about translating theory to design? Dive in and discover more by following this link!)

formulating a strategy

To accommodate the family's preference for avoiding social media, we explored the idea of an iOS native application, envisioning a digital living room experience. By incorporating a user-friendly widget for convenient home screen access, our goal is to provide a comfortable space for the family to effortlessly stay connected.

defining the user journey

We divided the user flow into three sections: initial use case where Lea discovers the widget,
2 to 6 months where Lea explores the features and relapsed use where Lea starts using the app after prolonged inactivity.

I worked on the initial use case.

using theory to design the onboarding experience

The challenge is to change Lea’s attitude towards communication with her family. Drawing inspiration from the 'Highlight Positive Outcomes' design card, I designed an onboarding experience that emphasizes the positive outcomes of using the widget.

The widget doesn't require downloading and is available directly from the home screen. The following four screens provide an overview of the value of the widget.


Lea desires to remain in touch therefore showing visuals of the family being together would urge Lea to consider the widget.


Lea is not comfortable making phone calls therefore showing different ways of staying connected would make Lea curious about the widget.


Lea feels nostalgic thinking of home. The widget allows users to customize the space fostering a sense of familiarity.  


Lea would prefer some personal space therefore the widget provides the option to set boundaries.

high fidelity prototypes

I prototyped three flows to give a sense of the onboarding process as well as initial interaction. Follow this link to see the entire project presentation.  

  • Users can personalize the name of the room
  • They can invite members by selecting contacts
  • Users can view the status of individuals who have accepted invitations
  • Users can customize the space to align with their preferences
  • They can take pictures of objects in the real-world and the widget will convert it to a virtual pixel object
  • Users can adjust the spatial arrangement by dragging objects within the space.
  • Users can indicate their availability when they are open for a conversation.
  • Users have the option to select between text, voice call, or video call when setting their availability.
  • When a user updates their status to ‘available,' other members will receive a notification.

reflection and learnings


Ethical Concerns: The platform is not inherently moderated, so issues with toxicity and damaging behavior may be present.


Further refined user journey for cross-device experience:
Should we have more time, it’s worth deep diving within the scenarios where multiple devices across Apple’s ecosystems were considered, generating more creative ways of interaction experience and seamless transition among devices.


Conduct Usability Testing:
With more time, we'd conduct thorough usability testing. This would involve in-depth analysis of all the interactions, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the platform's usability and user experience.