Frames to Flows

I'm Avani (uh-vuh-knee),
Animator turned UX designer.

Design Projects

Interaction Design | Augmented Reality | Mobile App

InSight AR

A voice-activated AI personal tour guide for a museum with AR functionality for a multi-modal experience.

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UX and UI Design | Mobile App


A mobile app to forge genuine friendships, find activity partners or expand professional network by discovering like-minded individuals based on interests and personality.

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Secondary Research | UX Design | Widget

Pixel Den

An Apple widget to help users stay connected with their family.

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Secondary Research | Website | Widget | Mobile App

Translating Theory to Design

Designing interventions for positive behavior change through research insights.

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Animation Projects

Stop-Motion Animation | Sand | Clay | Digital

Tel Maalish

An exanimate old man (the captain of his ship) is lost in a desert. The lifelessness of the desert - a reflection of himself, vanishes when familiar music starts playing. A precious memory floods back to him and he takes off for on a fantastical journey out in the ocean.

Inspired by the broader theme of disconnect and memory, the idea is to illustrate the role memory plays in changing a negative emotion to a positive one, in this case lifelessness to contentment.

Stop-Motion Animation | Felt | Paper | Clay

Anda Pvt. Ltd.

“….The world of the commodity is thus shown for what it is, because its development is identical to people’s estrangement from each other and from everything they produce.”- Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle.The world of commodity is a strange place. It leads us to believe that we need material objects to satisfy our pseudo needs. By indulging in this world, one starts looking at life from the lens of ‘commodity.’ Everything thereafter becomes a commodity, including life itself.

Stop-Motion Animation | Paper Cut Animation

Internship Promotion

This stop-motion video was made by me for a company to promote an assistant director internship.

Programming Projects

Game Design | p5.js


Exploring the world of code-driven art has been a fascinating journey for me. After delving into the realm of p5.js and its capabilities in generating art, I decided to channel my newfound knowledge into a game development project.

Throughout this project, I immersed myself in the intricacies of writing code, focusing on simplicity and modularity.